Monday, 2 April 2012

Kiss With A Fist Fashion

Inspired - McQueen Style

It seems for LE's spring collection they've taken more than a few items from McQueens very own 2012 Spring collection, and who could blame them! With the new shell style and sea look being completely in for this season and washing into next, it seems even Stardoll is following, and starting to set, these trends too. Let's see where exactly they got those LE items from.


And even from the new Film Theory, they've taken one of McQueen's dresses and made it fabulous for the Wiked Witch of the West. It seems nobody can keep their hands of McQueen's incredible styles lately.

I just can't wait to see what they transform to dolly size next, maybe even a McQueen Tribute store? I'd certainly buy there, but in the meantime, all we can do is hope that more amazing designers will be used so that we can have the items for our own dolls.

Birdie  O.O  xx